Season 3 – EPISODE 39
Bingo is pretending to be Bluey’s new employee, but her new workplace is right in the middle of Dad’s backyard workout!
So, when Bluey gives Bingo a tour of the office, Dad has to do the hardest exercise of his life!
First, he gets his squats in as the office elevator, then he bench presses the kids onto their desk chairs and finally, he uses his yoga mat to wrap Bingo up into a sushi roll for lunch!
Dad’s happy to have gotten in his workout and Bingo’s happy she had a good first day at work. And when Mum messes up Boss Bluey’s tea, she gets a workout too!
This Is The Episode Where…
- Dad exercises in the yard while the kids help/play.
- It’s Bingo’s first day on a new job and boss Bluey is giving her the tour.
- Dad struggles to lift Bluey and Bingo up together in the ‘elevator’.
Favourite moments

I really should get this lift fixed!
S3E39 – ExerciseMore sporty fun

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