Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound
Season 1 – EPISODE 32
Facing an overnight stay in the hospital, Bingo is upset that she can’t go home. But her spirits are lifted when Mum shows her a video on her tablet sent by Dad and Bluey.
In a ramshackle film shoot of friends, relatives and neighbours, Bluey spins the tale of a young girl on a quest to help heal her poor sick puppy named Bumpy.
Her journey leads her across the lands to a wise old wolfhound (played by Aunt Trixie) who opens her eyes to a simple truth – everyone gets sick sometimes and it’s just a part of life.
As Bumpy is healed with time and love, everyone takes a bow for a delighted Bingo.
This Is The Episode Where…
- Bingo is in hospital, so Bluey and Bandit send her a nice video to cheer her up.
- Bluey is tasked with finding a pair of purple underpants from someone who has never been sick.
- Bluey portrays a character called Barnacus and Socks plays ‘Bumpy’.
- Muffin says she had “wabies”.
I was sick yast lear… I was sick yast lear…I was sick last week.
S1E32 – Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhoundfavourite moments

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