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learn how to play games inspired by some of the heelers’ favourite car rides

Shake up your next Road Trip or outing to The Dump with these super fun car games from Bluey!

Game One: Eye Spy

  1. A car ride classic! The first person to be the “Spy” chooses an object. It can be inside or outside the car. 
  2. The Spy then names the secret object’s colour with the line: “I spy with my little eye, something coloured….”
  3. For example, when Bingo’s object is Bluey, she says: “I spy with my little eye, something coloured… Blue!”
  4. All the other players take turns to guess the object. Whoever guesses correctly becomes the next Spy.

Game Two: Cow Jumping

  1. This one’s a great substitute for a real computer game. First, make a peace sign with your fingers and flip them upside down. You now have a pair of legs!
  2. Place your legs on the car’s window sill. 
  3. Now make your little legs run on the spot by wiggling them.
  4. Each time you pass a cow outside, “jump” your legs over them. Earn one point for each cow you jump! 

Game three: Car Rainbow

  1. You can play this one by yourself, or with other passengers. 
  2. The aim is to spot a car for each colour of the rainbow. The girls choose to play with red, green, yellow, purple and pink.
  3. Say the car colours out loud as you spot them.  
  4. Once you’ve spied a car of each colour, yell out “Car Rainbow”!
  5. Keep your eyes peeled for pink cars — they can be rather tricky… 

Play along with bluey


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