How to make a DIY Bouquet
Surprise mum with a whole bunch of love using your kiddos own ‘paw’ prints! Scroll down for the instructions on how to make it yourself.
What you need:
- Blue paint
- Coloured paper
- Glue
- Rounded scissors
- Ribbon
To make
- Add some blue paint to a plate or bowl and paint your kiddos foot pad and 4 toes
- Stamp the foot gently onto some white paper and lift carefully
- Repeat to make around 6 footprints
- Cut out some flower stems from coloured paper and glue them onto an A4 piece of paper or draw them using coloured markers
- Cut out the paw prints and glue them on to the tops of the stems
- Add a small ribbon to the flower stems using tape or glue
- Help your child write a special message or they can copy ours!
- Give it to your special person to show how much you love them