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These plastic-free gift bags make the perfect take-home bags for party treats.

You will need:


  1. Download, print and cut out the template provided.
  2. Lay the page printed side down and fold in the sides, following the dotted line. Then glue the two edges together as the picture shows you.
  3. Next, fold up the base of the sheet, following the dotted guide line.
  4. Open out the base and fold in the two sides.
  5. Fold down the top and lower edges, following the dotted line.
  6. Glue the flaps down to close the base of the gift bag.
  7. Next, fold in the sides of the bag.
  8. Turn the bag around and repeat folding in the sides of the bag.
  9. Gently open the gift bag.
  10. Cut two pieces of string and attach to the bag using transparent tape.

Let’s party!

Use the same technique to create Bingo Gift Bags!