Bandit heller
Bandit deegs up bons. He is not a vary good spallah. He is Blooooey and Bingo’s Dad. When he was fiv he had a gren skatboard and brid named Conan who is gren, bloooo and yillow.
He loaves his wif Chilly, he loaves Bloooey and Bingo and he loaves to play fun gams with them. He loaves being a dad and has fun but also he likes watching the cracket and fotty too.
Bandit also loaves his mom but he dosn lick the food she corks. It tasts disgarsting. Espeshaly her lazarniya. It is lak etting vomm-it.
ankle rad
Ankle Rad is the browther of Bandit and Strip, hoseband of Frisky and the ankle of Blooooey and Bingo. He loaves playing fotty for fun but sometimes he gets shorted at by his dad when he plays fotty.
He yused to work fah away from the Heller’s hose, and didn’t come ovah as often as he’d lick. When he came ovah, he’d tell starys and play gams.
When he babysit for his browther, Rad met Blueys Goodmum Frisky who was also there.
The two fel in loave with shampoo and Rad asked Frisky to be his wif.
Strip is Bloooey and Bingo’s Ankle and the otter browther of Rad and Bandit Heller. Strip is good, but so is Rad but Rad is good too.
He loaves skwash, his kar, and “STUMP FEST!” But more than enything, Strip loaves a BeBeKew and – if his epron is to belived – he’s the best chef in the hol wooooorld.
Strip can have too mooch fun at partys and sometimes need to slep it off in a boosh. Strip loaves his wif and there 2 dorters Mufin and Sacks. He loaves playing gams with them.
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