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A common sight on any family road trip, you’ll recognise the Grey Nomads from their enormous caravans which sport roof racks piled with luggage, funny horns and eclectic bumper sticker collections.

They’re a slow-moving bunch, usually Nanas and Grandads, who are content with taking in the scenery over getting to their destination. They’re especially partial to a roadside tourist attraction, like the Big Peanut.

The Grey Nomads are notorious for taking the best campsites when they do finally arrive at their holiday spot. This can cause frustration with some of their fellow road trippers – including Bandit

It’s a pretty big peanut isn’t it!

S2E45 – Road Trip



The Grey Nomads

voiced by

Bob Brumm &
Judy Newman


Road Trip (Season Two)

also appear in

Promises (Season Three)
Curry Quest (Season Three)

key episode

road trip

Mum helps Bluey and Bingo find ways to entertain themselves on a family road trip, while Dad tries to stay ahead of the grey nomad convoy or risk camping near the toilets.

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how to play car games

Learn how to play games inspired by some of the Heelers’ favourite car rides! Perfect for your next road trip.

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