Muffin Cupcake Heeler
FIRST APPearance
BBQ (Season 1)
White Heeler
Also known as
Sheila (The Sleepover)
Gladys (Granny Mobile)
Bububabu (The Sleepover)

I need a TUTU!
Muffin is Bluey and Bingo’s tantrum-prone cousin who finds her R’s quite “twicky”.
Muffin loves to join in and play with Bluey and Bingo but is still learning how to take turns and play nicely and sometimes finds herself in timeouts, or even in the cone of shame!
Muffin has a little sister, Socks, and her mum and dad are Aunt Trixie and Uncle Stripe. Muffin is no stranger to chaos and has no problem speaking her mind, especially when she has skipped nap time.
Muffin Cupcake Heeler
BBQ (Season 1)
White Heeler
Sheila (The Sleepover)
Gladys (Granny Mobile)
Bububabu (The Sleepover)