Played By
First Appeared
Grannies (Season One)
Key Episodes
Grannies (Season One)
Bus (Season Two)
Trains (Season Two)
Granny Mobile (Season Three)
Ghostbasket (Season Three)

Rita (played by Bingo), A mischievous and rather flatulent “Can’t-Hear-Anything Granny”, is besties with Janet (played by Bluey).
While she may walk with a cane, wear a pink and purple blanket as a shawl, and constantly drop her coin purse, there’s plenty of pep left in her yet – she knows how to “floss”, after all.
Rita has a pet snake called Bubsy and can occasionally be found applying her questionable driving skills to the bus route and circuits of the garden.
While she loves a good lamington, her favourite food is baked beans. This weakness for canned goods sometimes lands Rita in trouble – not only when she’s busted for smuggling them out of the kitchen, but also because they tend to knock her off balance.
Grannies (Season One)
Grannies (Season One)
Bus (Season Two)
Trains (Season Two)
Granny Mobile (Season Three)
Ghostbasket (Season Three)