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MADGE is Chilli’s granny alter ego. She is friends with Rita, and dons similar attire to her fellow grannies – a green blanket is her shawl of choice.

She’s still sprightly enough to take public transport and waits happily with Rita for the express train, which takes her to her regular game of mahjong.
Her board game plans are scuppered, however, by a troublesome train passenger, who causes the train to whizz right by her – with one harried driver at the helm.

Oh I hope the train will be here soon Rita.

S2E15 – Trains




Played By


Voiced by

Melanie Zanetti


Trains (Season Two)

Granny Madge’s Episodes


Bingo’s a model citizen; politely taking the Dad-train to work with her daughter. Bluey, however, is troublesome on the train – but when she puts her beloved pet cat at risk, she changes her ways.

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