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first appeared
Grannies (Season One)
Grannies (Season One)
Bus (Season Two)
Granny Mobile (Season Three)
Ghostbasket (Season Three)

Janet (played by Bluey) classifies herself as a “Kind Granny”. She’s the biggest champion of her doddery friend Rita and the bossier of the two.
She sports a red and green shawl, and is into mahjong, motorbikes (pink ones only), sausages, and the occasional leisurely drive to the shops following her nanna nap.
Although she’s a bit indecisive and forgetful, and sometimes unsteady on her feet, she’s happy to take the lead in most situations – as matchmaker extraordinaire for her fellow bus passengers and Rita’s partner-in-crime on bean-burgling missions
Her failing eyesight means she sometimes mistakes the TV for the toilet and can’t read library books anymore, but a fabulous pair of purple spectacles help get her by.
Grannies (Season One)
Grannies (Season One)
Bus (Season Two)
Granny Mobile (Season Three)
Ghostbasket (Season Three)