Everything you need to know about ‘The Grannies’

Everything you need to know about the Grannies
We all know Bluey and Bingo adore playing dress-up. And two characters they especially love morphing into are “The Grannies”: Janet and Rita! With the help of some blankets, specs and a handy claw arm, the Grannies pop up every now and then to cause mayhem and keep the young ‘uns (like Mum and Dad) on their toes.
They’re occasionally joined by Madge (Chilli, in Trains), Gladys (Muffin, in Granny Mobile) and by a real-life Grouchy Granny (in Granny Mobile). Here’s what you need to know about the show’s wiliest women:
They’re young at heart
They may be getting a bit long in the tooth, but these Grannies have some serious energy – and epic dance moves.

The first time they shuffle onto our screens is in Grannies (Season 1, Episode 28) and boy, do they make an entrance! It turns out Rita loves a good “floss” (the dance move – not the tooth-cleaner). But Bluey isn’t convinced this is a very granny thing to do. She’s soon proved wrong by Nana, who can floss with the best of them thanks to Bluey’s dance tutorial – which goes to show you’re never too old to boogie!
Never come between a Granny and her baked beans…
Or her lamingtons… or her mahjong. The Grannies are a passionate bunch. But perhaps none more so than Rita, who is a devout fan of baked beans.

In Grannies, Rita is so intent on getting her bean fix that she pilfers cans from under the “shopkeeper’s” (Mum’s) nose. Her robbery plans are soon scuppered, however, and she falls over on the scattered tins. That’s when she utters an immortal Bluey line:
They have a need. a need for speed!
You may not think it to look at them, but the Grannies are hoons. Take a lovely drive to the shops, a gentle bus ride, or a train trip; add a couple of old dearies – and brace yourself for chaos.

In Grannies, Rita and Janet take a spin around the garden, mowing down Bandit and parking in the sandpit. But it’s in Bus (Season 2, Episode 22) where they really kick things into gear. Following Janet’s failed attempts at pairing up the bus driver with a passenger, Rita takes the wheel and things get crazy; and we realise just how unruly these two biddies can be.
Don’t mess with the granny
While a little slow and hard of hearing, these gals are not to be trifled with – especially Gladys (Muffin). She may be mean to her servant, “Bugalugs” (Bandit), but she’s a woman you want on your side. Especially when it comes to facing the rudest… the baddest… the meanest granny in town – Grouchy Granny.
In Granny Mobile (Season 3, Episode 33) the Heelers’ neighbour Doreen has a garage sale, and Grouchy Granny is intent on landing a bargain. She sets her sights on Doreen’s mobility scooter and insults everyone who gets in her way. But Gladys isn’t having it; resulting in the ultimate Grouchy Granny showdown.