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Bluey and Bingo are masters of make-believe. Face paint, tea towels, kitchen gadgets; the girls use all sorts of things to create their weird and wonderful characters.

With some help from this nifty little guide, it’s your turn to dress up funny with Bluey!

Step one: Start a Dress Up Box!


Bluey’s characters often pop on items that make fabulous additions to any dress-up box. Some of the Heeler essentials include:

Chef’s Hat: Serve up a mystery Chef’s Special like the girls do in Fancy Restaurant.
Stethoscope: perform life-saving operations on your toys like Bluey in Hospital.
Crowns: live out your royal dreams, like Bingo and Bluey in Queens.
Police Hat and Badge: make some arrests like Mum does in The Sleepover.
Face Paint: turn yourself into a tiger like Bingo in Curry Quest.
Animal Onesie: just be careful you don’t become “one with the onesie”, like Bingo in Onesies

If you’re ever stuck for costume ideas, start with one of these classics and see what zany direction they take you.

Step two: Use things from around the house!


The Heelers and their friends are super creative and use lots of random items for dress-ups. 

For the Grannies; take a blanket or tea towel and fashion it into a shawl. Next, put on some specs. Then, grab any longish, stick-like contraption for a cane…and voila! You’ve morphed into Janet or Rita, two of our favourite old-timers.

In Flatpack, the girls use the packing material from Mum and Dad’s new kitset to create an elaborate story; cardboard rolls become lizard tails, bubble wrap becomes the sea and styrofoam becomes bizarre headwear.

Don’t have a queen’s sceptre? A rake will do. You can’t use a real scalpel in a game of Hospital…try an eggbeater!  No helmet for Mountain climbing? Put your undies on your head!

You can even craft costumes out of paper, like these cool Bluey and Bingo masks. Oos!

Step three: Rope in the Whole Family!


Multiply the giggles by rallying family and friends to join your dress-up fun. They may be a little reluctant to begin with — Uncle Stripe and Bandit were, when made to be bride and groom in Horsey Ride — but with a bit of encouragement, they’ll soon warm to their roles.

The Heelers and their friends have been roped into playing all sorts of characters: Chilli and Muffin make cameos as Grannies; Bandit pulls on some tights to become a ballerina; and even Mr Monkeyjocks gets involved, when he pops up as a sunglass-sporting, tuxedo-wearing tyrant.

Step Four: Let Your Imagination Run Wild!


Sure, there are some trusty favourites when it comes to dress-ups… doctors, teachers, firemen. But have you ever donned a headband to become a Chickenrat ninja? Or dressed up as a family member… like Bingo in Mini Bluey?

Be sure to get creative with names too; Bluey’s christened herself with the likes of Barnicus and Marjory, while Bingo’s been Slobberdobber, Sparkleshot and Merryfindor.

The options are endless — so unleash your imagination and watch what happens!